About me & my story

A short intro about me and my story. My name is Viktorija (Viki) Oudman and I am originally from Serbia. Currently I am living with my husband and children in the Netherlands. After finishing my degree for becoming a veterinary assistant in Belgrade, I quickly embarked in a career in modelling and journalism. It is one of those things in life that happens, you study for something and do it for a while but then something else comes on your path. And like many of you experience time flies by, I got married had kids, and one day you realize you’re not that young anymore, but you still want to look & feel great!
And this is possible with the Face Yoga Method of Fumiko Takatsu. I am a certified Face Yoga Teacher since May 2018 after practicing Face Yoga for over a year myself. I am thrilled and excited to work with you in looking young, beautiful and confident again without all those expense creams, Botox treatments and fillers. Let’s work together to fight the effects of aging on a natural way.
Lets feel beautiful, live beautiful, stay beautiful!
About me and my story

Viktorija Oudman
Certified Face Yoga Teacher
Do you want to look younger and better again? No more sagging in your face, and feeling unhappy about your looks. For all of us, our paths in life are different but we are all confronted with aging, sometimes this aging process goes faster then we want!
What if I tell you that there is a way to make you look younger again, get your confidence and balance back again so you can wake up and look in the mirror and feel happy!
It is possible, and as a certified Face Yoga Teacher, I am here to help you on your journey. I know out of personal experience that life doesn’t always go as planned. After I gave birth to my twins my health went downwards and I had a lot of health problems: lack of energy, different forms of pain, stomach issues, feeling depressed, being diagnosed with Lupus and IBS. Yes I know, does the list ever end?! You get stuck in a vicious cycle with no end in sight.
After visiting all kinds of alternative practitioners I decided to listen more to my own body. I switched diets and started to notice the difference straight away. After switching my diet and doing the detox, my face wasn’t the same any more. I lost all the fat in my face, and volume in my cheeks.
Several weeks later I came upon Face Yoga exercises. So I start to exercise. Two weeks later I experienced first results.

So I continued for another 30 days. Slowly the results showed off and I realized that this was the way to take care of my face!
No matter where you come from, I am confident that if you are willing to take up the challenge with me. We can make progress together.
So let me help you with this life-changing method that requires no medicine or expensive botox treatments. Join the thousands of people who practice Face Yoga, some of them you may even know like e.g Meghan Markle. So here I am ready to influence the world, to change it and make a better place! I always knew that my life purpose is to share and to help others, with this method, I definitely will!
I love everything that has to do with a natural lifestyle. I am practicing Tai Chi, collecting herbs, making my own thee, gardening, doing activates with my three boys.
Special thanks to my husband and sons for supporting me on my journey to become a teacher.