Awesome Coupons for Face Yoga

We do give away coupons from time to time. This page shows an overview of the current coupons we have. If you have any questions about our Face Yoga Coupons feel free to send us an email.

Current Coupons

Coupon code: c63wsxe9 : Get 10% off per month on the Face Yoga Online Course. Expiration: None

What is a coupon?

A coupon is a ticket, or in this case a code that you can use on our website to receive a certain discount. Usually the coupon gives you a percentage discount, but it is also possible to get a set fee as a discount. At Face Yoga For You we give away coupons for special events, such as the holidays, or a special event.

You can subscribe on our newsletter to stay up-to-date on when we give away coupons.

How to use a coupon on our website?

You can use the coupon when you checkout for a product that you have put in your cart. You should see a field below your order that is named: Coupon. You fill in the code and press the “Apply” button. If the coupon is valid you will see the discount straight away. If the coupon is not valid you will get to see an error message.